On March the 16th, Mint Labs was invited to make a presentation at the “Institució Cultural del CIC”. The conference room was full of young high school students specializing in Sciences & Engineering or Nature and Health Sciences.

We explained some interesting facts about the brains and its most common and studied illnesses, such as Schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease or Visual Agnosia. We show them how we can analyze the brain and extract relevant information helping doctors perform a better diagnosis. Mint Labs’ cofounder, Paulo Rodrigues, gave a talk about his personal experience in both academia and company sides and how, in the end, he decided to create his own startup in order to do what really motivated him the most. It was a really enjoyable and educational presentation.

During the Q&A, students were very proactive, which is unmistakable sign that showed us we did a good job.  Afterwards, they came up on stage to try out BrainVis, our 3D visualization tool. They were delighted and there was a long queue who wanted to try the Leap Motion to control a 3D brain as a “Minority Report” style.

The Mint Labs’ team who did the presentation, Nikola, Nicolás, Marc and Paulo, had a great time performing in the CIC. This kind of events should be promoted in schools and faculties, so students can learn about what is really going on after the school and university period.