Every year since 1995, the “Asociación Catalana de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación” (Telecos.cat) and the “Colegio Oficial de Ingeniería en Informática de Catalunya” (COEINF) organize  “La Nit de les Telecomunicacions”. La Nit is the event where the technological innovations of the TIC sector are awarded.

The “Auditori” hosted the event where very important people from the telecommunications and informations sector gathered together.. This year, the “Salvà i Campillo” award to the young entrepreneur was given to the co-founders of Mint Labs, Paulo Rodrigues and Vesna Prchkovska. Paulo expressed in his short speech how happy we were for this appreciation. He thanked the authorities, the jury and the Mint Labs team as well, who strives everyday to build the biggest database for the brain.

It was a great night that finished with a speech from the “Consellera de la Presidència de la Generalitat”, Neus Munté. And last but not least, we were able to network with peers while having an amazing catering.

La 21a Nit de les Telecomunicacions i la Informàtica premia els millors professionals i projectes del sector TIC
